Employment Law / Harassment Legal Matters
Employees Have Rights, Represent Your Interests
- We help people who were wrongfully terminated seek compensation from their former employers
- We help workers file claims for unpaid or underpaid overtime
- We help employees who are unfairly harassed or retaliated against
LawLegal finds a lawyer for you, in the specific field relating to your legal issue
You enter the basics of your unique claim or case and we connect you directly with a lawyer who is actively looking for cases like yours, and is licensed to practice in your state. You will NOT be charged for using the LawLegal service. No credit card is required. Initial consultation with the law firm is always free, and no obligation is necessary to purchase services.
No Obligation, Decision is Yours to Hire or Not
- You tell them more about your specific case
- You ask them about their services, e.g. expected results, timing, cost
- You make decision to hire, or not, based on your own discretion
- Cost for the initial discussion is $0.00 always
- Our unique technology delivers your case info to the lawyer, instantly
- Lawyer will contact you, normally within 5 minutes
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